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Cannabis Camera has worked with several leading publications (in and out of the cannabis industry). We're currently working hard to archive more of our publications, so check back soon for much more coming soon!

If you have an editorial assignment you think we'd be a good fit for or are interested in accessing our historical archive of images for use in your publication, please click here to contact us directly!
High Times MagazineCannabis Now Magazine CoverSensi MagazineMassRootsThe Hemp Connoisseur CoverRooster MagazineSensi MagazineReason MagazineLos Angeles TimesHigh Times MagazineHigh Times MagazineVICEThe Hemp ConnoisseurHigh Times MagazineHigh Times MagazineHigh Times MagazineGQ AustraliaSensi MagazineThe Daily DoobieThe Hemp Connoisseur